Year 6 Final Word Appointments

Year 6 children are currently preparing their presentations for Final Word. They will be held next week, WC 27th June. Please use the Google Form below to request an appointment. Your child’s teacher will then get back to you via email with a specific time.

Thanks, Year 6

Travelling book fair thank you!

Thank you to all of the people who purchased books from our travelling book fair! For every amount of books sold, Green Top earn free ones and thanks to the huge success of the fair, we earned lots of lovely books for both KS1 and KS2!

Here are just some of the great books we chose! Again, thank you for your support which will have a great impact on our in school reading!

Y6: Investigating the heart

Crew Knowles did a fantastic job of investigating the heart today and putting their previous learning into practise. They were able to recognise different parts of the heart and see where the blood would pump in and out of the organ.

Y6: Transition fun begins!

The Year 6 children enjoyed a German lesson delivered by a teacher from Trinity Academy. They enjoyed getting a taster for what is to come next year!

Those children who aren’t going to Trinity also did a great job of joining in and getting the German experience!

On Friday, the children will get to experience Spanish lessons also delivered by the teachers of Trinity! We can’t wait!

Y5/6 Community Crew Celebrations

We had a lovely community crew today celebrating lots of successes! We heard some great shoutouts and appreciations for each other and learnt who was winning the Accelerated Reader competition!

Check out some of our Star Reader’s here:

We also had lots of HoWLs point winners for the children who have worked hard, being kind and got smart this week!

Finally, we celebrated our new ‘Out of this World’ children who will receive the yellow tshirt to wear this week! Congratulations to all the winners – it is thoroughly deserved!

Crew Knowles: We are presenters!

After we completed our fantastic research about some of history’s deadliest pandemics, we then presented our findings to the rest of our crew.

Each group were able to present their research however they wanted. As a result, we had slides, written presentations, a live stream and a video! I was so impressed with the creativity and thought that went in to each presentation and the children gained so much knowledge!

Crew Knowles: Queen Martindale!

This week, in the run up to the Queen’s Jubilee, we have pretended to be the queen and written letters to invite all of our loyal citizens to the jubilee celebrations!

We have had to use some really formal vocabulary and try to get in to the mindset of a royal! I am so proud of how hard everyone has worked on their writing over the past couple of weeks!

Sophia sent me a video of herself reading out her letter (hat included!) and I loved it so much I just had to share it with everyone!

Also, here’s our lovely crew wearing red, white and blue to celebrate the jubilee!

Crew Knowles: we are researchers!

Crew Knowles are really enjoying learning all about the plague and it’s gruesome symptoms! We have furthered our learning today by researching other deadly outbreaks throughout history including Spanish Flu, Covid-19, Smallpox and Cholera.

I can’t wait for each group to share their research and learning tomorrow.