Y6 Camp!

Wow! What a brilliant (late) night we had camping! We had lots of laughs, lots of marshmallows, lots of hot chocolate and lots of tired children they day after!

I know the other teachers have lots of other photos too – so watch this space!

Getting settled in the tents!

Tea time!

Hammock fun and pillow fights!

Hot chocolate and marshmallows!

The morning after!

Y5/6 Celebration of Learning

A massive thank you to all the parents and carers that joined us this evening for our Y5/6 Celebration of Learning. It was lovely to listen to the children read and speak so confidently and clearly outside in the sunshine.

We then got to showcase our science videos in the hall whilst enjoying popcorn and fruit kebabs. I think we definitely have some budding actors and actresses at Green Top!

The videos will be blogged soon for us all to share.

Thank you all supporting us tonight.

The Y5/6 Staff Team

Staff crew tonight 💚

Staff took part in their own staff crew sports day tonight. We felt exactly the same as some of the children did on sports day, when we were put outside of our comfort zone.

There were some falls, some competitiveness and lots of laughs!

What a great staff crew we have


get crew right, you get everything right 💚

Year 5 and 6 – fantastic talents showcased at Green Top’s Got Talent

This morning it was fantastic to see the many different talents our year 5 and year 6 children have. We had dancing, singing, rapping and gymnastics as well as piano playing, climbing and acting.

A massive shout out to all the children who were brave enough to stand up and perform. You are all super stars!

A big thank you to Alexsis who hosted our year 5 and 6 talent show. You were amazing as always.

And we can not forget the hidden talents of Mr Mumby on the piano!

Free Summer Reading!

I’m excited to say that we have been lucky enough to be given free access to an online reading programme for the duration of the summer holidays! The programme (MyOn) will give your children access to over 5,000 books!

To access the programme:

Go to https://www.myon.co.uk/login/index.html and enter your login information:

  1. School Name: Read On England
  2. Username: Green Top
  3. Password: GreenTop123

Click on the Sign In button, select a book, and start reading!

SOR | The Week Junior

Y5/6 celebration of learning

We would like to invite parents and carers of children in years 5 and 6 to our celebration of learning on Thursday 7th July at 5pm. We would like to share our learning from Summer term and demonstrate how we answered the guiding question: How can a healthy lifestyle impact your body and mind? The celebration will begin in the KS2 playground (weather permitting) where the children will narrate their learning with you before moving to the hall where we will showcase the videos each crew have created that help answer our question. We look forward to seeing you there.

Y5/6 Staff crew

KS2 Sports Day (Years 3-6)

We would like to invite you to our sports day. It will be held on the KS2 field on Monday 4th of July beginning at 9.15am. Please send children to school wearing suitable PE kit and trainers with a hat and a water bottle. Refreshments will be available for parents and carers. We look forward to seeing you there for our first sports day in over 2 years!

The KS2 team

Crew Knowles: Osmosis

In Science last week, we became true scientists by conducting an experiment that better helped us to understand the process of osmosis. We were all really interested in the results of the experiment and it really helped us to visualise the process happening inside of our bodies!

Y5/6 Super Stars!

We had another lovely community crew meeting this week celebrating all of our successes! A huge shout out to our attendance winners our and Accelerated Reader winners this week – well done!

Another special shout out for our HoWL point winners this week who have worked hard, being kind and got smart with their learning!

Let’s not forget our Out of this World winners who have all received the yellow t-shirt for their exceptional learning this week! Absolute super stars! I wonder who will get it next week!

And finally we have our Star Readers! Here are just two of our well deserving reading stars but rest assured there were many more!