Calling all KS2 Singers and dancers! – WE NEED YOU!

Are you interested in taking part in Young Voices 2024?! 

If you would like to be a part of the choir and join us at one of the best events of the year come along to Young Voices Dinner Club each Monday lunch time in Crew Spetch. It will run from 12:30 until 1pm! We will also be practicing in Choir club every Tuesday 3-4pm.

Please come and see me for a letter if you would like to join us!

I can’t wait to see lots of you there!

Mrs Spetch & Mrs Small x 

THE GREEN TOP PRIDE OF THORNE AWARDS. Learning to be heroes in KS1. Can you help?

As we begin our second Autumn term and the run up to Christmas the children of KS1 are requesting your help. We have been learning about heroes in our local community and as part of this expedition we have had visits from many wonderful heroes including our Mayor, a midwife, police officers and a firefighter, and have gone out into the local area to visit other heroes who work in care-homes and supermarkets.

On Thursday 23rd November at 4pm, we will be celebrating the end of our expedition by holding the Green Top Pride of Thorne Awards ceremony and we would like your help in nominating someone who is a hero to you or your family. Today the children made lots of wonderful suggestions for possible recipients of an award – nurses, doctors, vets, police officers, firefighters, carers, dance teachers, swimming teachers, our school cook, foodbank workers – anyone who has gone above and beyond to help others would be a worthy nomination. We will be posting a Google form next week for you to make suggestions so please be having a think about who you would like to nominate.

We would also love to get an idea of how it feels to be a hero in our community by spreading some Christmas cheer to children in our local area. With this in mind we are asking parents and carers to send in a small gift to wrap and donate to the Thorne food bank to be distributed to its users over the Christmas period. Ideas for gifts could include – bubble bath, hair accessories, small soft toys, chocolates, stationary such as stickers, pens, pencils or notebooks, reading books or jigsaws etc.

Simply buy the gift you would like to donate and send it into school anytime before Wednesday 15th November. We will be holding a family learning event on the afternoon of Thursday 16th November where we will wrap the presents that you have donated. Or, if you would prefer, you could send in a small cash donation instead and we will buy a gift on your behalf. These will then be passed to the food bank on the evening of our award ceremony.

Any questions please ask.

With many thanks for your continued support,

The KS1 team x

Annual Poppy Appeal

Crew Councillors will be going around classes from tomorrow with our Poppy Appeal products. We have recommended donations of ÂŁ1 for snap bands, wristbands and stationery with zip tags and key rings 50p.

This afternoon, we have been creating our school wreath ready to send to the Remembrance Day Celebrations.

Year 2 – First Day Back

We hope everyone has enjoyed a fantastic half-term break (despite the rainy weather!) and we are so looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow for our first day back.

To help re-hook ourselves into our learning about what it means to be a superhero, we are going to enjoy the exciting story of Supertato! and we are going to have a go at making our very own fruit & veg heroes.

Please could children bring with them a piece of fruit or veg that they can use to create their own hero. If you can’t find anything knocking about your kitchen please don’t worry as you will still be able to take part in the activity.

Thank you for your continuing support, The Year 2 Team x

Year 2 – Request for items

In the week after half-term, the children in Year 2 will be making bonfire art and Mrs Green has asked if each child could please bring in a cardboard tube from a toilet roll.

Then in the weeks following, we will be looking to make some pretty candle holders using small glass jars (no bigger than a jam jar). If possible please could each child bring a jar in to be decorated. Please be as careful as you can with this, thick glass is better and more robust if possible. You can hand these to the class teacher directly or wrap them up in paper to make it safer when transporting.

Then (believe it or not!) we will be looking towards Christmas activities! We would greatly appreciate donations of Christmas wrapping paper for a family learning event we have planned.

Thank you for your continued support – we look forward to the lovely art these items will help us to produce 🙂

KS1 Team x

Class 7 – Half Term Ready

And that’s a wrap on our first half-term in Year 2 – well done to everybody in Class 7! The children have worked extremely hard and we are so proud of how much progress and learning we can see already … keep it up boys and girls :).

This half-term, we have learned about the Great Fire of London and Martin Luther King Jr, as well as spent time with lots of local community heroes, such as: care home workers, our local mayor, the police and a firefighter. We have also pushed ourselves out of our comfort zone to be local heroes ourselves by visiting care homes, litter picking in the local area and helping others by bag-packing in the supermarket. Phew … no wonder we’re all ready for a rest!

A couple of shout-outs to mention: our new sparkly pencil writers this week are Martha, Levi and Freya … congratulations! Who will be next? Charlie C is waiting patiently for his Crew Champion award after half-term but who will be joining him??? And our top reader at the moment is Jack who received our first reading certificate for over 30 reads so far … who will be reading over the holidays to catch him up and get their own certificate?

Don’t forget to keep reading over the holidays (just like Charlie C in the photo!) and to log in to Times Tables Rockstars wherever possible to keep up your practice. And … have LOTS of fun – of course!

We hope you all enjoyed your yummy treat from us and here’s to a lovely half-term. We will see you all on 30th October,

Mrs Dutton, Miss Hilton and Mrs Clay xxx

Class 7 – Amazing Speech Writers

Wow! Wow! Wow! I was absolutely blown away today by Class 7’s focus, determination and effort when writing up their speeches in our English / Expedition lesson. Having used Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I have a Dream’ speech for our inspiration, the children planned their own speeches to celebrate the everyday heroes that we have been learning about.

Not only did the children work quietly and with great perseverance, they all tried so hard with their handwriting that we even have 3 new sparkly pencils to hand out! Well done boys and girls – keep up the good work, I am so proud of you all and I just know Miss Hilton will be super impressed too!

Mrs Dutton 🙂

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue “Kitchen Nightmares” Competition

The competition is the first part of our “Kitchen Nightmares” campaign that will be running throughout the autumn. Children aged between 6-12 are invited to take part.

Our advice to help you avoid a kitchen nightmare is:

  • Keep electrical leads, cardboard and fabrics well away from the hob and keep ovens, hobs and grills clean from grease and crumbs
  • Keep an eye on cooking at all times and never leave it unattended
  • Switch off cooking appliances when you’ve finished cooking and gone to bed

Find more information here.