Cocoon G have been writing diary entries about their week in school. It was great to see how much they enjoyed writing.
Lots of fun with the bubbles today in cocoon H! 🙂
Click on the pictures below to see them in more detail!
Here are two videos of Bradley, Danny, Damion and Georgie having fun!
We even went and made some slow-mo videos which look pretty cool if you ask me! Click on the link below to see them 🙂
Some beautiful diary entries from Bradley, Damion, Danny and Georgie today! They have reflected on their week at school and how they are feeling. We had a beautiful discussion and the boys have done a fantastic job with their writing! Well done guys 🙂
Click on the pictures to see them in more detail!
We have had great fun making Roman helmets today. Super work guys.
Today we have been learning about Roman numerals – the boys completed a matching activity before making the numerals. We have then had an ongoing challenge throughout the day where I have randomly asked what ‘X’ stands for or ‘VII’ , etc and the first person to shout it out wins a prize- safe to say they are all absolutely awesome at Roman numerals and I now need to fill up my prize box!!
Great effort guys, well done! 😀
Click on the pictures below to see them in more detail!
Macie, Thea, Lola, Courtney and Ruby were Stick-ability Stans this morning when they made catapults out of lollypop sticks and elastic bands. I was really impressed that you didn’t give up.
Well done with all the effort you put into your work today. Mrs Shaw said she was really impressed. I have loved playing your expedition games on scratch too. Keep being a Motivated Mo!
Georgie, Henry, Jack, Damion and Bradley have been working super hard in school today! Here are the fabulous posters which they have made all about keeping each other safe. The children in Cocoon H have blown me away today. They have been so grown up and have been so motivated to complete their work. Super stars 🙂 x
Well done Dante. You have done some fantastic work today. I was really pleased with how you used the WAGOLL in English to help you with your writing. You were able to connect all your learning together to write some great paragraphs – super work!