Crew Overson are loving our photography case study! Their photography skills have blown me away and now they can edit their work to create mood, atmosphere and tell a story!
A huge shoutout to Levi for his home learning. I am so pleased that you are so hooked and engaged in our photography case study! You have used lots of the camera angles and editing skills we have used this week. There’s some great modelling from his little brother too! 😎
Well done Levi – 50 Get Smart points for you!
This week, the children have been studying some of the photographs that have been taken during the pandemic. They then used these as inspiration to create and edit photos of their own. What’s amazing is how creative the children have been with some of the photographs and ideas they come up with. Take a look at some of their amazing work.
On Thursday this week, the children spent time editing and improving some of the photographs they had taken at the woods. They were given prompt sheets and had to try and edit it in a way that met the criteria. Well done to everyone, the photographs look amazing!
Recently we have been looking at recounts in different forms and this week we focused on blog entries. Before we wrote our blogs, we identified the different features that needed to be used by looking at good examples. We then planned our blogs ready to write! I wonder whose blog entry makes it into our book!
Mr Taylor planned a great lesson today where the children had to edit photographs to match a set criteria. They had to make photographs look like they were taken at night, taken somewhere tropical or even taken in the middle of autumn! I was SO impressed with the results! Well done guys!
Wow! What a lovely morning we had getting muddy down at Thorne Community Woods! The Y6s took some AMAZING photographs has part of our photography case study ans we can’t wait for you to see them!
Here is a sneak preview of the children taking their snapshots! Can you spot which angles they are using?
Don’t forget to click on the pictures to make them bigger!
This week, Class 16 have blown me away with the quality of their photography skills. Following from our photography work in hook week we have continued to develop taking photos from a variety of angles and enhancing our photos. The images the children have taken were stunning and I am sure they will be making an appearance in our book. Well done Class 16!
……..take some amazing photographs!
Yesterday year 6 took their photography skills to the woods. They captured different images focusing on perspective, framing and varied angles. We are looking forward to collating their images and ‘showing them off’!
Which images will be published in our year 5/6 book?
This afternoon whilst working on our photography skills we were interrupted at times by the rain! We were desperate for a rainbow to fill the sky but sadly we were out of look! However, did you all see the beautiful rainbow this evening? As I looked through the window, I wondered if you had seen it then I received this from Aiden!!!
Well done for capturing this Aiden – I would say this is the best type of homework, work that you complete because you are inspired to do so yourself!
A massive shout out to you – 20 work hard and 20 get smart points for you!