Year 4 Swimming – Tomorrow!

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter holidays!

This is just one final reminder that Class 12 / Knowles are swimming tomorrow – how exciting!

Please be in school between 8.15 – 8.30 as we will be getting on the coach at 8.40am. If you are not in school by that time, you will miss the swimming lesson.

Other final reminders:

  • The DMBC and Swimming Pool policy states that children must wear either a one-piece swimming costume, trunks or above the knee shorts. 
  • If your child uses an inhaler, they must take it to the lesson. Inhalers should be clearly labelled and be available at the poolside. Should any child fail to take their inhaler they will not be allowed to swim.
  • If your child has a verruca they are still permitted to swim.
  • Long hair, fringes must be tied back off the face with a plain band. Scrunchies, slides and headbands are not permitted.
  • Your child will not be permitted to swim if wearing nail varnish/temporary tattoos/henna tattoos/ear-rings.
  • All jewellery must be removed for swimming lessons.
  • Your child may wear goggles if they wish.