Year 3/4 Christmas production and costumes

Year 3 and 4’s Christmas production will take place on Tuesday 13th December with a 9.30am start. An email will be sent with further details soon.

Christmas parts with costume ideas have been allocated to those children who wanted a part and your child should have fetched a letter home. We do also have some costumes in school so please speak to class teachers if you would like to use this option.

If your child has not received one, it is because they have opted to be in the choir and can just wear normal clothes but with a Christmas element such as a Christmas jumper.

Please send your costumes in to school once you have them so we can support where needed.

If you have any further questions, please speak to class teachers.

As always, thank you for your support!

Year 3/4

The Magical Christmas Jigsaw Nativity Play | Out of the Ark