Thank you to everyone who has been taking the time to practise spellings at home. It is really making a difference to children’s writing. To be on track at the end of year 1 children need to be spelling many words accurately.
Today we have sent home our new set of expedition spellings. These will be tested after the half term break. In the meantime please regularly practise spelling words from the red word list, starting with the easiest words that the children learned to read in reception and building up to spelling the words we have learned to read in Year 1.
Children will be tested on their red word spelling after half term and we will be looking for children to be spelling an increasing number of words correctly ready for entering Year 2.
Again thank you for your support. It is so lovely to see the children coming to school excited to show off their learning and showing much more confidence and motivation in their writing lessons. Keep it up Year 1, we are very proud of you!