Year 1 Phonics

In Year 1 we are revisiting our learning from Reception. We have been practising key blending and segmenting skills in our reading and writing. We have been practising writing sentences by breaking our sentences up into words and sounding out each word out carefully. We have discussed different words endings such as -s -ing and -ed. In reading we are working on fast blending words and reading sentences fluently without stopping to sound out words we have seen before.

The children are showing much more confidence and enjoyment towards their phonics learning and we are really pleased with how they are settling into our routines in class.

This week we have focussed on the /ear/ trigraph. Can you read these words?

If you want an extra challenge can you spell the words/sentence without looking?

If you are unsure how to help your child at home with their phonics learning then we have a phonics drop in session on Tuesday 24th September at 3pm in the school hall where class teachers will be available to demonstrate how children learn phonics in school and how you can help at home. Next term we will also be inviting parents to take part in your child’s phonics session in class so you can see how your child learns in school! We hope you can join us!

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