Y6: Trinity welcome evening (4th June)

Please see below additional information regarding the Trinity welcome meeting on Tuesday:

A reminder that we have our Transition into Year 7 Welcome Evening on Tuesday 4 June.

We are opening the doors a little earlier to allow extra time to view uniform.

The schedule is as follows:

4pm doors open – try on blazers, view other items of uniform, complete *registration forms

5pm presentation 

5.50pm to 6.20pm Q and A

6.30pm Event closes

*the forms will be on added to the transition page of the website so you can read them in advance and also print and complete to bring with you, if you prefer.

Please note:  The year group is full so we are asking parents to try and limit attendance at the Welcome Evening to one parent/carer per child.

There is limited space in the lecture theatre and we may have to ask some parents/carers to wait elsewhere if we are over capacity.  

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Please follow the link to the Transition page of the website for further information:

Trinity Academy – Year 6 Transition (trinity-academy.org.uk)