Y6: SATs 2024

Dear Year 6 Parents,

As we approach the end of the academic year, it’s time for our Year 6 students to undertake their SATs. SATs week starts on the 13th of May and finishes on the 16th of May. On these days, doors will be open from 8:15 with all children expected to be in school by 8:30 as usual. We will provide some breakfast options such as cereal bars to ensure they start their day well and are ready to tackle the challenges ahead. It’s essential that they arrive on time to reduce any stress that they might experience from rushing.

We understand that this can be a stressful time for both students and parents, and we want to reassure you that we will be on hand to provide guidance and support throughout the week. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

We would also like to let you know that on the 17th May (Friday), to acknowledge the hard work of our Year 6 students, we have arranged for the children to have bacon sandwiches at the start of the day in addition to a visit from the ice-cream van on Friday afternoon. Y6 fundraising will cover the cost of these treats, so you do not need to send any money.

We believe that it’s important to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our students, and this treat is just one small way of saying well done for their effort and commitment. 

Thank you for your ongoing support. You will find a brief overview of the week below:

Monday 13thGrammar, punctuation and spelling
Tuesday 14thReading
Wednesday 15thArithmetic- maths paper 1 and Reasoning- maths paper 2
Thursday 16thReasoning- maths paper 3
Friday 17thN/A

Best regards,

Mr C Mumby