Y5/6 Coffee afternoon- Presentation of Learning

Dear parents and carers,

We would like to invite you to see our amazing product from our Spring term expedition: ‘Fight for your rights: How can one moment influence our future?’

Y5/6 will be holding a drop-in coffee afternoon in the hall on Monday 24th March, from 2 -3 pm to view their final product and share their work from this expedition. When arriving, please go straight to the hall entering school via Ashtree Close and your child will be collected from their classroom to join you.

Please click here to complete the google form to share whether you will be attending.

The children have worked very hard on drafting and redrafting their artwork which will be showcased in an A5 wire-bound notebook; more information regarding the cost and how to purchase one will follow shortly.

As always, thanks for your continued support, The Year 5 and Year 6 Staff Team

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