If you are attending the Y3/4 presentation of learning, please arrive using the Ash Tree Road entrance so that you can go straight into the hall. The Y3/4 children will be entering the hall at 2pm to start their performance so please make sure you are seated before then.
After the performance has finished, we will be inviting parents into classrooms to purchase the postcards that the children have created with their beautiful artwork. Every child has an individual postcard with at least 10 copies available to purchase. The money made from the postcards will go straight to British Red Cross disaster relief charity to support those in need after a natural disaster.
Post cards will be £1 each but we have a great deal on of 5 for £3 – bargain! Please note that we are accepting cash only as the 100% of the proceeds will go to charity. We are unable to accept Parent Pay for this product.
We can’t wait to see you there 🙂
Thanks, Year 3/4