Wizard of Oz – This weeks song lyrics


One day in Kansas,
Where the prairies meet the sky,
There stood a four-walled house
Barely eighty inches high.
A roof and a floor made a room with a door, A table and chairs for three.
So poky and small, but they weren’t very tall, And anyway it had to be,
Living in the very heart of Kansas,
Where the sky is always grey,
And out of nothingness,
A cyclone comes your way.

One day in Kansas,
When the grass began to sway,
Poor little Dorothy was told to hide away. So into a hole, like a mouse or a mole, She did what she had to do.
But Toto got out and went running about, So Dorothy jumped out too.
Living in the very heart of Kansas,
Where the sky is always grey,
Right out of nothingness,
A cyclone comes your way.


One day in Kansas,
You’d have seen if you were there,
A whole house lifted up
And carried who-knows-where.
It vanished from sight, wasn’t even that light, So mighty the cyclone blew,
And all of the while just a dog and a child Were carried in the cyclone too.
Living in the very heart of Kansas,
Where the sky is always grey,
Right out of nothingness . . .
A cyclone comes your way.

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