Welcome to Year 1

We are excited to welcome all of our new parents and children to Year 1. We will keep parents up to date with things that are happening in school through our class blogs. Today we wanted to share a few expectations that help to keep Year 1 running smoothly.

  • Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child’s name. If it is not labelled staff will label it. This ensures we have no lost property in school.
  • Please ensure children bring a bag to school each day to keep their belongings safe. Children are asked to keep many things safe in their backpack and it also helps children to carry all of their belongings at the end of the day (water bottles, jumpers, cardigans, reading books, letters etc)
  • All children should bring a water bottle filled with water only every day
  • Please remember we have a no toys rule in school – please keep all toys/teddy bears etc at home
  • All children will need a PE kit consisting of a dark green T-Shirt, Black shorts and trainers or pumps. These will be needed from the week beginning 9th September. We ask that all children bring their PE kits to school on a Monday and take it home on a Friday. For this reason it would be helpful if children’s PE kit was in a separate bag to their every day backpack.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher in person or via email.

We are looking forward to a super year in Year 1. We have some great expeditions, visits and visitors lined up for the children to enjoy. More information will be shared soon!

Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers