Well Crew Mumby have blown me away with their scientific knowledge this week! This half-term we’ve been learning about changing states and this week focused on the water cycle. We used active games to learn the key vocabulary that we added to our anchor chart. Using the anchor chart, every crew member created their own mini cycle based on the learning. I was very impressed by their articulation of the cycle and the way they could use scientific vocabulary. If your child is in year 4, please ask them the following questions to further their learning at home:
- What is the process called where the liquid becomes a gas by heat? Clue- it begins with an E
- What causes the gas to become a liquid again?
- What is the scientific word for rain, sleet, snow, hail? Clue- it begins with P
- Give an example when condensation occurs
Challenge question:
True or false?
Water evaporates faster with more heat.
Can you explain why?
Feel free to comment below for extra Howl points for ‘working hard’ at home
Mr Mumby