Visit to Austerfield this week…

We hope you’ve had a lovely half term break and feel ready to start the new term tomorrow!

Our visit to Austerfield Study Centre will take place on Wednesday. Please can all adults accompanying their child on the visit arrive at Nursery by 9am so we can register everyone and be on the coaches ready to leave by 9.30am. All adults and children will need to bring a packed lunch with them and tea/coffee making facilitates will be available at lunchtime with a voluntary donation available. The coach will leave Austerfield by 2.30pm to make sure we are back in time for the end of the school day.

Please could we ask that all adults and children dress appropriately for the outdoor weather… the forecast is looking better for Wednesday and we’re hoping it stays that way!

If you have any questions or queries please speak to a member of staff tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing you all in the morning!