Following the Prime Minister’s announcement, from tomorrow morning, Tuesday 5th January 2021, we will move to remote learning for the majority of our children. Our School will remain open for key workers and vulnerable children as required by the Department for Education. Please complete this google form if your child falls into either of these categories. Your crew leader will be in contact tomorrow morning via the google classroom (8.30am) with details of the remote learning provision. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding during these difficult times.

Any questions please contact phase leaders
  1. Hi, I put down for Emilea to be in for everyday. She won’t be needing tomorrow but will be in on Wednesday this week, up to now. From Wednesday I should be able to clarify what days she will definitely be in when a rota is put in place at work.
    Thank you

  2. I am not to sure what’s happing with my work yet will definitely find out today I’d there a timeline on the survey? Thank you in advance

  3. Laura Honeybone

    Hi I work every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday . Could Georgie please attend school these days.

  4. Hi my daughter is starting in nursery on the 11th January, is she still allowed to go many thanks kerry

    • Claira Salter

      If you’ve filled the form in then we will see you next week. A member of staff will ring to confirm tomorrow if they haven’t already.

      • Laura honeybone

        Had a call today she can attend from tomorrow. Thank you so much for all you do for our children. It is so much appreciated.x

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