Thanks for your support with the extension of our provision. In light of a document published yesterday we have made the list below to make it easier for all parents to understand the options available to them for meals from Monday 1st June. (This will be reviewed in line with local, trust and government guidance and is subject to changes)

  • Children in school who are in reception, Y1 and Y2 are entitled to a free school meal when they are in the school building as part of the universal free school meals entitlement. (packed lunches now permitted based on changes for other circumstances)
  • Children in school who are in any year group who are in receipt of means tested free school meals and have been receiving vouchers have 2 options.
      • 1. continue to receive voucher and provide your child with a packed lunch
      • 2. receive a free school meal in school each day and no longer claim vouchers. (entitled to a packed lunch for collection on days not in school)
  • Children attending school in nursery, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 not in receipt of free school meals must now return to the choice of a paid school meal or a packed lunch from home.
  • Children not in school in receipt of free school meals will continue to receive their vouchers

You will see the rule around packed lunches brought into school has been relaxed to accomodate this guidance change and therefore if as a parent you wish to provide a packed lunch that will be permitted into the school building.


Mrs Claira Salter