Staffing Update:CV-19

Dear Parents, 

I have been notified by 4 members of staff they will not be in school tomorrow.

One is a confirmed positive case who has not been in the building or in contact with staff or students since 17th October, therefore no further action is necessary.

One has to isolate due to a confirmed positive case in the household, this member of staff is following the guidance and if symptoms develop will test and I will update you all.

One has to isolate due to the track and trace app notifying contact with a positive case.

Finally one has to provide childcare because their child has been in contact with a confirmed case.

I am informing you of this as I have done throughout this uncertain period in order to remain transparent and honest with the information received.

We have followed the national guidance and due to the half term break, school will be open to ALL students tomorrow with no further action necessary. 

If your child or someone in your household develops symptoms please isolate as a household and inform school.

Remember, if children show the following symptoms parents should ensure that they are tested:

  • A new, continuous cough (where you cough a lot for more than an hour, or have three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours)
  • Fever – where your temperature is above 37.8C
  • Loss of smell or taste

If you have any questions please contact your child’s phase leader in the first instance.

Thanks for your continued support

Mrs Claira Salter
