This week in phonics we have been learning to recognise and sound the letters s, a, t and i. We have also been putting these sounds together to make words such as – a, is and sat. Please encourage children to recognise these sounds at home and leave a comment about your child’s learning! You could also practise reading the words on your child’s keyring. 10 house points will be awarded to each child who completes this task.
Look at how we have been practising our learning at school!

Etta has been practising her keyring words and how they fit into other words like sat, pat, rat, gas by sounding them out first then putting them together as a word. She also has been practicing “i” in words like sit , pit, bit, kit, mit
20 house points for you Etta! Keep up the great home learning!
Jack has been practising his key ring words and putting sounds together. He recognised he has the a sound in his name.
Awesome home learning Jack! 20 house points for you!
Robyn has been practicing reading her keyring words and sounding out the letters. We have also been practicing the “s a t i” sounds and looking for them in words when we’re reading books.
Super work Robyn! Keep it up! 20 house points!
esme has an excellent attitude towards home learning since starting back at school. she has learned her keyring words and now reads them in her school books. her knowledge in recognising letters, words writing and reading is impressive in such a short time.
I completely agree! A have-a-go Henry! 20 house points Esme! Keep it up!
Luna has been practising her key words at home and has been practising putting the sounds together. When we are out she is recognising letters and sounds and pointing them out to me.
Well Done Luna! 20 house points for you!
Well Done everyone for continuing your learning at home! I am very impressed and can’t wait to learn some new sounds and words!
Rukseyaa can read her keyring word as,at, an, a
Well done Rukseyaa – Miss Vaughan will add your housepoints!