A huge shout out and well done to our first Crew Champion winners of this year. It was wonderful listening to all of the positive comments from crew leaders! A big well done to our HOWL point winners too!
MacMillan Coffee Morning and Bun Sale!
On Friday 27th September we are hosting a MacMillan Coffee Morning in our school hall.
Come and join us between 8:30 and 9:30 to help us raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.
We would greatly appreciate any donations including buns, cakes or cookies. Please hand them to crew leaders or to Mrs Spetch.
Children will also be able to purchase one bun each for 50p.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Crew Knowles: Thorne Pentecostal Charity Shop
This morning, Crew Knowles dropped off some more donations and lost property at the Pentecostal charity shop. Whilst there, we also spent a few minutes helping to tidy up!
Class 8 expedition work
The children have been learning about King William I in history today and were reading facts about the Battle of Hastings. They then went on to create our own Bayeux tapestry, which retells the story, using tea bags and pictures. I can’t wait to see the finished product! You were brilliant historians today! Well done class 8
Mrs Shaw x
Design a library!
This year, we are working hard to raise money to develop our reading for pleasure library so firstly, we would like to say a huge thank you for all your sponsors from the colour run which will go along way to helping us!
Secondly, we still need your help! We would love for you to help us design the library based on the space we have to use which is the foyer area near the hall.
Please design your ideal library and share your plans with Miss Knowles in person or at [email protected] This is for everyone across school to get involved in! Please send your plans by 7th October.
We can’t wait to see your fantastic ideas which will help us design the perfect library!
Class 8 reading lesson
Fantastic shared reading lesson today…I can see their fluency improving already. Well done class 8
Layla’s ‘Out of this world’ Home Learning
Crew shaw litter picking stewardship
What a way to start the week! Crew Shaw were busy in our crew session this morning litter picking on our key stage 1 playground. I hope you will agree that it looks so much better!
Well done crew!
Class 9 | Acrostic Poetry
Today, the children have been working collaboratively to create an acrostic poem about evacuation during the Second World War.
Class 9 | Martial Arts!
A big well done to Arnie who has recently achieved his orange belt in martial arts!