Year 3/4 donation request

Next week, our Year 3 and 4 children will be heading into the community to deliver some delicious brownies they will have baked with our cook Michael. These are to say thank you to special people in our community! Some of the places that the children will be delivering to are the local food bank, the charity shop and Little Bunnies playgroup.

We would love it if we could take further donations with us to support these places and charities further. We will be looking for donations such as:

  • Tinned, packet or boxed food for the food bank 
  • Clothes or small unwanted items for charity shop 
  • Young children’s toy, books or £1 donation to help fund the Little Bunnies playgroup

The children will be taking the items brought in and need to carry them so please nothing too big or heavy.

As always, we appreciate your support with helping our local community further!

Crew Spetch – National Writing Day

Wow! I was absolutely blown away by everyones enthusiasm yesterday for National Writing Day. We all enjoyed looking at the pictures and discussing what they might mean and then planning some beautiful pieces of writing. We even created front covers, character profiles and comic strips for our stories. Well done everyone! As tomorrow is World Music Day we also enjoyed listening to all of our favourite songs whilst we were writing! Such a lovely day!

Uniform reminder

Polite Reminder.

Please ensure your child is coming to school in the correct uniform. This includes shoes. As the weather is getting warmer we are seeing more and more children wearing Crocs, Jellies and open toed sandals. Children must be wearing black shoes as part of their uniform.

Please send your child to school with a sun hat for playtimes too.

If you need any support with uniform please contact your child’s phase leader.

Class 10 National Writing Day!

Yesterday was national Writing day. This mean the children had freedom to write about a chosen image and decide what genre to write about. We had some fantasy tales, some newspaper articles and some excellent narratives. The children tried to remember features that we have used this year as well. There were some really lovely and interesting pieces of writing and what was great to see was the fun had by all when writing their pieces of work. It was a relaxed atmosphere and then we loved hearing what others wrote.

Summer fayre fun!

Thanks so much to everyone for all of your support with the Green Top Summer fayre, including everyone that came this afternoon, as well as anyone who donated items for the tombolas.

It was so much fun and one of our best ever!!! We hope you enjoyed it too.

A special thank you to our Friends of Green Top, who work extremely hard to raise money for our school and children by organising these fantastic events. We are extremely grateful! x x

National writing day in class 6

We had lots of fun today getting in touch with our creative sides by becoming authors. We looked at some pictures and generated ideas using the ‘back to back, face to face’ protocol, then independently wrote about a picture of our choice. Even Miss Rodgers took part!

Year 2 passage presentation appointments

Make an appointment

The children in classes 7 and 8 have been working very hard the last couple of weeks to prepare a set of slides that summarise their time in key stage 1.

They will talk about their experiences, visits, beautiful work and their HOWLs (habits of work and learning).

They will be working hard to practise presenting to an audience which is a great skill for them to learn so we would love to give them this opportunity.

Please use the link above to book your appointments.

Thanks in advance, Mrs Shaw, Miss Hilton and Miss Good x x

Crew Knowles: National Writing Day

We’ve had great fun with our creative writing today for National Writing Day! First we looked at some different images and thought about what might be happening and what we could write about. The children then picked an image and used it as a stimulus to write anything they wanted! We had lots of lovely stories, diary entries and letters!

National writing day in class 8

Here are some great examples of the children’s completely independent creative writing. They looked at some pictures first and played some sentence games around what could be happening in the photo.

The children then chose their own photo to use as a stimulus for their own stories. They really enjoyed writing them and I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. Well done class 8!

Mrs Shaw x x