Sharing our Stories 28/06/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Visitors from around the world…

In 2023, XP had over 1000 visitors from all over the world – including India, Australia, America, Israel, Norway and Spain, just to name a few! As we continue to welcome more visitors, here’s what they’ve said about our students…

Exciting plans for Green Top – watch this space!

Friends of Norton Campus Summer Fair

This week we held our second Friends of Norton Campus Association Summer Fair. We were joined by members of our local community to raise funds for our schools. There were bouncy castles, penalty shoot outs, welly wanging and face painting.

Askern Community Brass Band provided the music – and there were plenty of sweet treats and snacks to enjoy too. Children were spending their pocket money on the hit the teacher coconut shy and sponge the teacher! Not forgetting we were joined by our special VIP’s Lenny and Alan (the alpacas!) We’re already looking forward to next year. 

We’re got vacancies across XP Trust!

We’re looking for:

Learning Coaches at Carcroft School

An EYFS/KS1 Specialist SEND Teacher at Carcroft School

A Leading Learning Coach (HLTA) at Plover School

A Learning Coach/Crew Leader at XP Gateshead

Top of the Blogs

Weekly update for families @ XP Gateshead

Celebrations and Ice Lollies! @ Norton Infants

Year 4 Taking Brownies to the Food Bank @ Green Top

Time to read Crew @ Plover

Acro and Cheer Showcase @ Carcroft School

Year 9 Sports Leaders @ XP School

Crew Malala DofE @ XP East

Kick Off @ Norton Juniors

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Y4 taking brownies to the food bank!

We had a lovely morning delivering our delicious brownies to the food bank for food parcels and for the volunteers. The volunteers were so kind showing us how the food bank works and they were even kind enough to give the children juice and chocolate! Thank you so much for having us and we hope you enjoy the brownies!

Class 10 brownie delivery service!

Class 10 had another day in the community spreading joy and happiness to others. We had the pleasure of taking brownies to the local Casino Court. It was such a lovely sight seeing the children explain their learning, share their delicious treats and put a smile on the faces in the Centre. We appreciate the kindness we received back and also the drinks provided! We hope you enjoyed it as much as you did!

Y5/6 Family Learning – Ready Steady Cook

This afternoon in Y5/6 Family Learning the children took part in different activities linked to being healthy. Myself and Miss Walton, enjoyed hosting a Ready Steady Cook challenge and we had a fantastic time creating healthy and creative dishes. Check the wonderful dishes below.

Well done everyone – I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Mrs Jackson, Miss Walton, Mrs Rafferty and Miss Kelly x

Crew Jackson – Reading letters we wrote to our future self

At the start of year , everyone in Crew Jackson wrote letters to themselves about what they wanted to achieve by the end of Year 6. The children all thought really carefully about their own personal goals and aspirations – considered their HOWLs, character growth, crew, SATs, academic success and beautiful work. After they finished, they were sealed in envelopes addressed to themselves and put away to save for the end of the year.

This morning, they got to open their letters, read them again, see the progress they had made and find out how successful they had been at achieving their goals.

It was lovely to watch their faces and hear them talk about their achievements. You have an amazing year and I am so proud of everyone. Well done on all your successes this year! x

Class 8 handwashing experiment

In our morning crew sessions we have been learning about different ways to look after ourselves.

Today was all about the importance of handwashing. We watched a video about how easily germs spread. The children then took part in an experiment with glitter that showed how easily germs spread around.

The children then tested their handwashing techniques to see which method was the best and we decided that washing our hands in warm water with soap for 20-30 seconds got rid of the most germs.

Great work year 2!

Class 10 community delivery!

This morning, Class 10 visited the pentecostal church in our local community. As part of our final product, we wanted to celebrate those who help our community. We knew we had to thank our local charities!

The children made brownies specially for the workers and produced their own Mayan inspired boxes to deliver the chocolatey goods in! It was a huge success! Class 10 were really proud of their beautiful work, appreciated helping in the shop and are even asking to go again ASAP!

I would like to thank the charity group for being so welcoming and brilliant with the children as well – it was really a lovely morning had by all and I suspect it won’t be the last!

Crew Spetch – WOW What a day!!

What a fabulous and busy day we had yesterday – I’m amazed we fit it all into one school day!

To begin with, we worked with Geoff from XP to film our final product. Everyone came to life on the camera, I can’t wait to see how fab the videos look!

Then, as part of our Fitness video, we had a Zumba class with Mrs Rayner, which everyone got really stuck into and enjoyed. After that, the children got changed into their Egyptian costumes and we finished our video with us dancing like Egyptians!

We even managed to link our science learning of the heart and dissect some pigs hearts! I was absolutely blown away by everyones courage handling the hearts but also hearing the use of correct terminology that we had learnt. The children were even able to identify the different components of the heart and discuss what the role of the part is. AMAZING!

What a fantastic day filled with lots of amazing learning opportunities!

Super proud!