Nursery Sports Day 2024 Wednesday 5th June

Our Nursery sports day will take place on Wednesday the 5th June. This is the first Wednesday back following the half term break. This will be in the morning 9-10 am. The children will take part in some races followed by some activities they can enjoy with parents and carers.

All children regardless of their usual session are invited to attend. Please arrive with your child no later than 8.45am. We will register the children and you will be able to find a seat on the school field via the Nursery entrance where refreshments will be available to purchase. Children can wear any comfy clothing or sports wear such as shorts, t-shirt and trainers for the day. Please can children also be provided with a named sunhat and named water bottle.

Any questions – Please ask Mrs Hay or Mrs Burton.

We look forward to you joining us!