Nursery – Learning focus this week

This week in phonics we are singing ‘The Wheels on the bus’ with emphasis on onomatopoeia. The children worked really hard today and I was impressed with how many were able to give me an example of a word that sounded like the action. E.g. swish, stomp, clap, beep.

In Literacy and expedition we are reading the story ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ and focusing on how Goldilocks was not kind in the story and how she could have made better choices. Here we are today enjoying reading the story in the Autumn sunshine whilst we had our afternoon snack.

In maths we are looking at how we can create repeating patterns using 2 and 3 objects. I wonder…can you have a go at creating your own repeating pattern at home?

You could use toys, cars, leaves, sticks, conkers – anything you fancy!

Mrs Hay x