Dear parents/carers,
On Wednesday 18th May it’s National Numeracy Day, where we, as a nation, celebrate all things maths, organised by the charity ‘National Numeracy’.
National Numeracy Day activities
It’s a day that celebrates the importance of numbers for children and adults and inspires everyone to improve their numeracy in order to open up opportunities and brighter futures – and this year is the campaign’s 5th birthday! We have lots of fun activities planned for the children to take part in at school with the aim of helping them feel positive about numbers.
You can help set a record from your phone
Guinness World Records have created a new title especially for this day, which is “most viewers of a rolling numbers live stream”.
To set the record, we need to have as many different devices (phones, computers etc) accessing the live stream from 9.30am. We’ll be watching from each classroom at school and you too can play your part to help the children achieve this! Just follow the instructions below – let’s all be record breakers!
The show, lasting 20 minutes, will involve some dancing led by Strictly Come Dancing star Katya Jones and some number rolling led by Baz from Times Tables Rock Stars.
Accessing the livestream
Just before 9:30am on Wednesday 18th May, head to and press the red livestream button. You can always visit in advance to learn the moves and find out more.