Moving a mountain with kindness

Today Year 2 have listened to a story called Manjhi moves a mountain.

It is all about a man from India who lives a long way from any health care so he single handedly began digging a tunnel straight through the mountain. This allowed his village much easier access to schooling and health care. It took him 20 years to do and we discussed how he was selfless, kind, determined and resilient.

This led us on to a discussion about the differences between England and India and one of those was the primary religion in each country.

We learnt all about Ganesh, the Hindu God of luck, good fortune and kindness. The story says that he has large ears so that he can listen carefully to what people tell him and a small mouth so that he speaks less and listens more.

Here are some of the examples of how he might have looked…I think they’re fantastic! Well done!

Mrs Shaw x