Local expert visit – Nick Fletcher M.P.

KS1 were very grateful to local M.P., Nick Fletcher, who visited our school this morning to talk with us about littering and pollution in Doncaster.

We gave Mr Fletcher an advanced screening of last term’s final product, a video showcasing our expedition learning about everyday superheroes, and he answered some of our questions.

We learnt about the 30by30 initiative, an alliance made by 71 countries to protect at least 30% of the global ocean by 2030. The initiative is led by the UK and you can find out more at: https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/global-ocean-alliance-30by30-initiative/about

Mr Fletcher also urged us to consider how we can reduce plastic before the need for recycling, encouraging us to choose foods and items with either no packaging or more eco- friendly packaging. For example, choosing an apple over a bag of crisps or a glass bottle of pop as opposed to a plastic bottle.