KS1 Reading Challenge

Our reading challenge has now officially been launched to children in Years 1 and 2! Children who brought their books to school yesterday will now have a 100 grid in their reading diaries. Every time your child reads at home please write it in their reading diary. Staff will then update the reading challenge grid. Children will be rewarded for any reading they do. It could be their school reading book, their phonics homework sheet or a book from home. Please write on entry in the reading diary each time your child has engaged in a reading activity.

Rewards will be given in our school assemblies.

30 reading entries – bronze award certificate

70 reading entries – silver award certificate

100 reading entries – gold award certificate and a prize!

Each classroom will also have a display to show each child’s reading journey.

If your child does not yet have a 100 grid in their reading diary then please hand your child’s books to a member of staff and we can get them started on the reading challenge.