Last week we had another round of amazing achievements in KS1. HOWL point winners who have been working hard, getting smart and being kind, stewardship shoutouts for people going above and beyond for their crew. Crew Shaw won the attendance too, Imogen is so proud to represent her crew!
Huge shoutout to Ruby, who has managed to hit 170 reads!! Don’t forget to write in your reading diary every single time you read to get those certificates.
Some wonderful hard work going on at home too, with celebrations for those children with the highest scores in both Numbots and TTRockstars. Remember to get playing!! If you need a reminder of your log in, just ask your class teacher!
Finally, a magnificent well done to our Out Of This World winners this week, as you can see the children are always SO proud of themselves and its fantastic to see. Keep up the hard work, KS1!