Hook Week in Class 6

What an amazing start to one of my favourite expeditions – ‘From Rags to Riches. What lies within the castle walls?’. The children have blown me away with their amazing attention to detail while sketching and colouring dragon eyes and then actually sculpting them in clay. Our classroom also looks amazing with a real castle play area and battlements, and the children have added to this by making sconces and coats of arms. Mr Kershaw was true to his word and we spent a lovely afternoon in our quad with him learning about fire safety and toasting yummy marshmallows! We finished our exciting week with a medieval dress up day, photographs under the amazing castle gate balloon arch, made for us by Elsie’s mummy, and a banquet with Mrs Clay and Xavier even treating us to some live entertainment!!

All of this has left us very excited to begin our proper learning next week.

Well done everyone!