Happy New Year!

Dear parent,

After communication this morning, with Public Health England and the Local Authority we will be using our planned training day tomorrow as a Covid Preparation Day on Monday 4th January 2021, this day will be used to finalise our plans for the spring term. Spring Term for the children will begin on Tuesday 5th January 2021 as planned. Further communication around our safe return will follow inline with the government and local developments and guidance. As it stands today there are no changes to our provision and our class bubbles and covid measures remain the same as they were in December. (This includes; one way systems, staggered start and end times and masks or visors to be worn by all parents or visitors inside the school building).   

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact phase leaders

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Mrs Claira Salter