This week is Diversity Week and so today in Nursery we started our learning by sharing the book All My Stripes. The children listened to the story of Zane the zebra who recognised the way he experienced the world was different to others due to having Autism. By the end of the story Zane realised with the help of his Mum that he was special, unique and had gifts and talents that may be similar or different to others.
We then spent time talking as a crew about all the characteristics we liked about ourselves, the things we were good at and how these may be the same or different to our friends in nursery. We then recorded all the children’s suggestions on their own zebra stripes for us to look at and discuss together. There were some wonderfully thoughtful answers and the children were so supportive of each other sometimes offering suggestions to one another! Well done Nursery Crew! What a great start to Diversity Week!