Digital Leaders Drop-in Session 💻📱

On Thursday 6th October, there will be a Digital Leaders drop-in session for children, parents and staff in the hall between 3.15pm and 4.15pm. This is the first session of its kind and I know that our Digital Leaders have been working hard to showcase some of their skills.

The focus for this session will be on some of the basics surrounding Google Docs, Google Slides, iMovie, screen recording and the school website as these are the main programmes that we use throughout school. If any of these are things you would like to learn more about, then please feel free to come along and speak to some of our Digital Leaders. There will also be step-by-step handouts for you to take and practise in your own time.

We know that with the introduction of the new iPad scheme, there are many parents who are unsure how to use this technology and this is a great opportunity to come along to hopefully get some of your questions answered and further develop your skills!

We look forward to seeing you there.

Mr Taylor