Tomorrow all our classes will move to live lessons blended for both in school and online access, this will be in addition to the google classroom tasks shared today.

Please find our protocols for online learning here

Below you’ll find the time table for hangouts (remember you need to be logged into the school website to access the hangout)  Details of how to log on have been emailed out today and can be found here.
Year Group Hangout 1 subject & time Hangout 2 subject & time Hangout 3 subject & time Hangout 4 subject & time
NURSERY Crew 9.30am Crew 1.30pm NA NA
RECEPTION Crew 9am Crew 1pm NA NA
Y1 Crew/Phonics 9am Maths 10am Expedition 11.15am Crew checkout 2pm
Y2 Crew/English 9am Maths 10am Expedition 11.15am Crew checkout 2pm
Y3 Crew/English 9am Maths 10.30am Expedition 1pm
Y4 Crew/English 9am Maths 10am Expedition 11.15am Crew checkout 2pm
Y5 Crew/English 9am Maths 10am Expedition 11.15am Crew checkout 2pm
Y6 Crew/English 9am Maths 10am Expedition 11.15am Crew checkout 2pm

If you have more than one child at home sharing a device – please don’t worry, children can say hello on their siblings hangout and children join the hangout or live session that they need most support with.

We can’t wait to see your work and support you with your learning.

Staff will be able to answer all your questions in google classrooms between 8am and 4pm daily.


Mrs Claira Salter

  1. Hi sorry to trouble you is this the final version? I’m not in charge tomorrow and these times differ to the times posted on google classroom as for y3 it states 9am 10.30 and 1pm for hangouts? Please can you clarify? Thanks Amy x

    • Claira Salter

      Apologies – this is now the final version, thanks for noticing the difference and letting me know!

      • No worries just writing my plan of action for tomorrow! The earlier expedition time works better for them I think anyway. Can you give me an idea on what the crew check is at 2pm, is this something that’s mandatory? It’s just when I’m at work I’m
        Not supervising those 2 at home it’s thee it dad so I’m trying to make it smooth for all. Thank-you and sorry for all the questions.

        • Claira Salter

          Sorry for the delay missed this. The children should need no support with crew check out at the end of the day, just to be logged on. This is an opportunity for reflect on their day and the learning that has taken place and identify any further support needed before the next day to ensure it is as smooth.

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