Crew Spetch – WOW What a day!!

What a fabulous and busy day we had yesterday – I’m amazed we fit it all into one school day!

To begin with, we worked with Geoff from XP to film our final product. Everyone came to life on the camera, I can’t wait to see how fab the videos look!

Then, as part of our Fitness video, we had a Zumba class with Mrs Rayner, which everyone got really stuck into and enjoyed. After that, the children got changed into their Egyptian costumes and we finished our video with us dancing like Egyptians!

We even managed to link our science learning of the heart and dissect some pigs hearts! I was absolutely blown away by everyones courage handling the hearts but also hearing the use of correct terminology that we had learnt. The children were even able to identify the different components of the heart and discuss what the role of the part is. AMAZING!

What a fantastic day filled with lots of amazing learning opportunities!

Super proud!