Community Day in Year 3- Think before you park!

It’s been Community Day for us today in Crew Faulding and our focus has been parked cars outside the school grounds on the double yellow lines!

First, we played a game of ”Dash” where we had to run and write down all the consequences that we could think of that would be linked to cars parking on the double yellow lines. The children came up with some really important things such as; accidents, blocked roads, people upset if they live near here, parking tickets or children getting hurt/knocked down.

After doing some research, we went for a look ourselves to see what we have in place for this and we noticed that we do have double yellow lines but they aren’t zig zags. The children wondered if perhaps people didn’t know about not parking on double yellow lines?

This is why we’ve come up with our video and designed our parking safety posters in the hope to get our message across and explain how important it is NOT to park outside our school!!

We hope that you find this helpful?


Mrs Faulding 🙂