class 9 graduation video

Class 9 are now officially ready to start year 3 tomorrow! We are so very proud of you and how far each and every one of you have come! Keep being you, try hard and above all always be kind to others and yourselves! See you soon superstars!!!!

  1. Kelly Homar

    Oh my! This video is amazing and has got me all emotional. Thank you to all the staff in class 9

    • Aime Shaw

      Awww…we will all certainly miss them all so much. They are a wonderful group of children and wish them all lots of luck in year 3 x x x

  2. Faye Jolly

    Thank you for this beautiful video and making their time in yr2 so special xx

  3. Kelly Overson

    Well done class 9! What a gorgeous video. Happy graduation day!

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