Class 8 are reading about significant activists!

We have started reading our new text in year 2 today, which is called ‘Let the children march’. It is a beautiful text which explains how desegregation started in 1963 because of the influence of Martin Luther King Jnr. In collaborative groups, they all read sections of the text and then answered questions based on what they had read. I was really impressed with them today and how understanding and mature they have been about the subjects we have been discussing.

The children then wrote some sentences using some of the ambitious vocabulary that we had learnt from the text, such as; revolution, discrimination, activists, racism and equality. This is a picture of some of the children who had beautiful presentation today and I was very excited for George to be the second person to choose a sparkly pencil because of his gorgeous pre- cursive handwriting! Well done class 8…you impress me more and more every day!

Mrs Shaw x x x