Class 11 have had a fantastic day today as we were lucky enough to have Clare come into school to lead a Roman workshop for us. They managed to complete a wide-range of Roman-related activities throughout the day and had lots of fun doing so!
They began the day with introductions and greetings in Latin and then used wax tablets to practise their Roman numerals and letters. They even completed a shopping list!
They then learnt what it would be like to be a part of the Roman army with Hollie definitely making a fantastic soldier! They practised their marching skills and even practised forming a testudo!
After lunch, Class 11 enjoyed learning more about aqueducts and enjoyed creating their own. They also produced more colourful mosaics with some great patterns! Finally, they enjoyed playing some Roman games including one called Knucklebones!
What a busy and fantastic day! They’ve learnt so much that will really support in our upcoming expedition learning!