Christmas TODAY (Friday) at Green Top

Good morning

What a week! We’ve had an amazing time celebrating Christmas with the children! Here is a reminder of the plan for today:

  • Green Top’s Christmas Jumper Day (non uniform)
  • Carols around the Tree will take place at 1pm on the KS2 playground (near the gazebo – gates open at around 12:45).  Children can be collected from their usual doors following the carols
  • Carols around the tree letter: 
  • The ‘Friend’s of Green Top’ will be selling refreshments at Carols around the tree and selling anything they may have left following the Christmas Fayre on Wednesday.
  • NO CLUBS – School closes for Christmas at 3pm

Christmas Tuck Shop and Christmas pocket money toys (low stock left)

Mrs Fitzpatrick will be selling her Christmas sweet treats Thursday and Friday.  She will go round classrooms each day for the children to purchase cones and Christmas bags.  Prices are from £1 to £3.50

Also, depending on what is left following the Christmas Fayre she will also be selling the Christmas stocking fillers.  Prices for these range from 50p upwards

Thank you once again for your continued support and engagement with everything we do for your children and our community. Have a wonderful Christmas!