Children’s Mental Health Week

Today we kicked off celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week in Nursery. We started our morning with a crew session where we watched the story ‘Lucy’s Blue Day’ and then discussed the things that we can do when we are feeling sad, anxious, cross or scared. The nursery children then had the challenge of creating drawings to represent how they were feeling this morning. We were so impressed their work!

At lunchtime we looked after our mental health by having some ‘chill out’ time following a cosmic yoga video. The children loved creating all the different poses!

Then to make sure we all went home feeling happy we finished our end of the day crew session by having a dance to S Club 7’s Reach for the Stars! The children had some very inventive dance moves and lovely smiley faces!

What a good start to our Mental Health Awareness Week! There’ll be lots more activities over the coming days where the children will learn more about how they can take care of themselves and share their feelings with others.