
WOW we have some awesome shoutouts this week!

Lauren and Riley have come top of Crew O’Neil and Crew Good’s HOWL points this week! Well done for racking up them points by working hard, getting smart and being kind!

Ethan and Hunter were chosen this week for their manners, kindness to their friends and for always respecting our classroom too. We love to see people living up to our Be Kind HOWL.

Ayla and Liam were chosen from both Crew Good and Crew O’Neil this week to be our Work Hard champions. They have really been making some good choices and we are super proud of the work they are achieving. This award has been so difficult to give this week, I am seeing some AMAZING work being produced by all of class 5!

Finally, our reading champion this week has been Isla. She has been doing so well with her reading, in class and at home too. I love to see you all engaging in reading, it doesn’t have to just be your school reading books.