Just a reminder that as part of our current Theme, Natural Disasters, Year 3 and 4 will be taking part in a charity fundraising day on Friday 29th March 2019 in aid of the fantastic charity, Habitat for Humanity GB.
Children in Year 3 and 4 will be allowed to wear Pyjamas that day with a donation of 50p.
Any questions, please see your child’s class teacher.
The Year 3 and 4 Teaching Staff
What fantastic and original costumes we had in our class on Friday to celebrate World Book Day 2019!
Despite all being different characters from their favourite books, I was thankful that they all still came to school with their thinking caps on.
We had a very busy morning in Maths looking at data on different graphs and comparing them along with solving problems. Luckily, some of our class felt confident enough to Coach anyone who had any questions, which meant that they were the proud owners of a yellow ‘coach’ lanyard for the lesson.
I’m so proud to see the confidence of the children grow throughout the term and those children now believing in themselves enough to be able to Coach a partner in a particular area of learning. Keep it up super stars! Soon enough I’ll need more yellow coaching lanyards!!
Miss Laing x
This week in nursery the children have been practising the syllables in their names while playing the African drums. At home this week I wonder if you could find a drum to practice the syllables in words you know? (A pan/tub/bucket/bowl/step) Don’t forget to share your learning wit the adults in your class to get your reward!
I am so proud of nursery for their amazing efforts on world Book day. Every child looked absolutely wonderful dressed as their favourite story book character. The children had so many wonderful conversations about stories and characters and shared many stories with each other.
Thank you to Heidi for our world Book day buns and congratulations to Francesca for winning a prize in assembly for her home made costume and knowledge of her story book and character!
A huge well done to Libby for sharing her homework creations. Here is Libby modelling one of her masks!
Last week the children explored the story of Handa’s Surprise. The children explored the fruits from the story using their senses , retold the story using story maps, role play and dance. I wonder if the children can share the story at home?