Red Nose Day biscuits 🔴

Class 10 have enjoyed making Red Nose Day biscuits this afternoon as part of their funky Friday treat! They had lots of fun eating yummy biscuits!

Fun Maths Starters!

Today we tried a new maths starter. The children worked in groups and each member took it in turns, to spend 30 seconds looking at an angle poster before going back to their team and drawing what they could remember! There was some great communication between team members and they were extremely competitive!

I was impressed with some of the groups who had a very close match to the original picture!


Learning Club

Leah, along with her friends, has set up a learning club in Year 5. She has set up this club to support her peers with any learning they want to get better at. She runs this club herself on her break time and lunch time and dedicates her time to helping others learn!

Here they are choosing whether to practise times tables or reading. I am looking forward to next week when they learn about fractions! Well done Leah!


Class 10 have really enjoyed playing benchball this term in PE. It has been amazing to see their progress over the term and how well they are now working as a team! We can’t wait for our match against another school next term!

Literacy fun!

Today, class 10 loved their literacy starter! They were given the title ‘Buzz the pug in school’ and they had to write a sentence each in a relay to create a short story. They were awarded bonus points for adding: prepositions, contracted words, adverbs and adjectives. The children then shared their stories to the rest of the class. I was so impressed with their efforts and they all had lots of fun!

Beautiful artwork in class 7

Class 7 have been studying landscapes in art with Mrs Hardman this week and they reproduced their own landscapes in the style of Ted Harrison. The photos don’t do them justice as they look particularly striking in real life!

Next week they will be taking it a step further with paints and PVA glue to give a 3d effect! Such great work and pride from the children today!

Well done! Mrs Shaw

Collaborative Reading

Class 13 did some more collaborative reading today but this time new children tried out the role of ‘coach’!


Super maths!

Clasd 10 have been amazing today in maths today. They have been focusing on addition and subtraction questions and how to use the inverse to check their answers.

I have seen amazing resilience skills today and I am so proud!


Arithmetic Superstars!

These children scored full marks on this months arithmetic test – 32 out of 32!

Our class average has also risen to 25! A huge well done to these and the rest of Class 13!

Lucas’ Great Homework

Lucas has produced a lovely picture based on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. He has illustrated the different finch beaks which were used for eating different foods. A fantastic drawing Lucas – Well done!