Today class 5 have been dividing sweets to help them understand how to share equally. Everyone worked really hard and we got to eat the sweets after.
wekl done class 5
Miss Hilton and Miss O’Neill
Today class 5 have been dividing sweets to help them understand how to share equally. Everyone worked really hard and we got to eat the sweets after.
wekl done class 5
Miss Hilton and Miss O’Neill
year 1 had a story outside in the sunshine today. We even got to eat the jelly beans we had used in maths as a reward for our hard work.
Class 13 are thrilled to have been the Year 5/6 attendance winners this week!
Well done Class 13! Keep it up!
Class 10 have enjoyed using our challenge cards in their arithematic lesson today to improve their reasoning skills and develop their language in groups.
They have worked so hard today and I am so proud!
Class 9 were faced with a complicated task of describing some well known children’s characters to a friend without relieving what film or book they were from or their names.
All descriptions had to be based on their looks, dress and personality. Their partner had to draw what was described to them while also trying to guess the famous character.
Here are just a few of their creations caught on camera!!
Year 5 have been developing their reflecting skills this afternoon and creating their own tool kits to overcome learning challenges. They have talked about times they have been in a ‘learning pit’ and built steps to help them overcome challenges.
The children also understand how failure is an important step to success!
Year 5 collaborating in theme this week. We have been learning about the Evolution Theory and how different animals adapt to suit their environment 🙂
Another fun video from Max and the Rovers 🙂
I love seeing all the amazing things you get up to outside of school!
A huge well done to this little super star who has passed his grading again in MMA and is now an orange belt! He’s flying through his coloured belts!
We are so very proud of you little Richy! Keep up the hard work, you’ll be in that black belt in no time!