Diversity week

Yesterday, years 3&4 worked together to create a poster on Buddhism. The children were given time to research the religion and then they had to put their knowledge into a poster. It was so lovely to see the children work hard with other children from the other year group; children who may have never even spoken to one another before.

The quality of the posters were awesome and it was so hard to choose one group as a winner!  But these girls worked so hard all morning, critiquing their drawings and their facts to make it even better! Well done to Emily, Maddy and Zoey who won the poster competition!

3/4 celebration event

Thank you to all who attended our celebration event this morning to celebrate our theme learning “why are you running for your life?” Staff and children have worked hard to create a fun event which could contribute to our ongoing fundraising for the charity “habitat for humanity”. Thank you for your contributions; as always, it is really appreciated.

The 3/4 team

Area and Perimeter Challenge!

Year 5 were set the challenge to find the area and perimeter of different areas of the playground using only a metre ruler! They were very motivated to measure the biggest areas of the playground and all had to be Choosing Checking Changing Charlies to ensure their measuring was accurate!

Well done Year 5!

Oil Pastel Practise!

As part of diversity week we are drawing our own self portraits and using oil pastels for the colours. We have enjoyed practising with the oil pastels today and have tried blending, mixing colours and creating tone and definition in our pictures. I am so excited to see the finished product!


Clay Buddhas

As part of diversity week at Green Top, class 10 have been learning about Buddhism. Yesterday, they created clay Buddhas. I am so impressed with the detail and a special mention to Grace who critiqued her work to improve it. The finished result was awesome! £100 class cash for you Grace!

Fun with phonics!

This week in nursery we have been playing ‘I spy something that rhymes with….’ I wonder if you can play ‘I spy’ and draw the things that you find? Show your work to a teacher for your class reward!

We loved your dancing!

Well done Nahla for sharing your trophy and certificates with us. You were amazing and when you asked to share one of your Irish dances with us how could I refuse! You are a superstar!