Fantastic fish paintings!

Class 5 have produced some amazing fish paintings this afternoon. They drew the fish from watching a video and then used wooden dowel and cotton buds to fill them in with different colours. They are fantastic!


Well done class 5!


Miss Hilton

Fraction carousel

Over the past few weeks, Class 10 have been working on fractions. They have covered lots during this topic and were feeling really confident. Yesterday, the children participated in a carousel of activities. They used the RUBRIC strands to help identify which station they needed to visit and they worked with different partners on a number of questions including :finding fractions of an amount, comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and equivalent fractions. The children worked really hard and they are feeling even more confident with fractions now! Here is a quick snippet of the lesson.

Our talent show at Parklands

As many of you know, Class 10 participate in the adopt a Grandparent scheme and every other Wednesday we spend 45 minutes with the residents of Parklands care home. Sometimes we read with the residents; we also play board games and sometimes we just have a chat about our week and tell them about our learning. On our last visit, a lovely lady requested we sung some songs. Class 10 were so excited at this idea and suggested we performed a talent show. Lots of the children have been working hard on their performances during break and lunch times and I thought they were all fantastic- as did the residents!

Class 10, I am so, so proud of each and every one of you! You definitely put lots of smiles on lots of peoples faces yesterday! I am a very lucky teacher!

Here are a few videos from the show! (Some can not be put on as I don’t want to spoil Green Top’s got Talent). All children who participated were amazing and very brave!


-Miss Blackham

Phonics in the sunshine

Year 1 have loved doing their phonics learning outside this afternoon in the quad. Mrs Wallace’s group were finding the oy sound and Miss Hilton’s group were looking for the split digraph a-e.

Well done everyone!

Charley the superstar

Charley has been a very busy bee this weekend! She has not only made some fabulous tasting unicorn chocolate but she has also achieved another certificate in her swimming! Well done Charley £200 class cash for you!

Arithmetic challenge

In Class 8 we have been working very hard to improve our arithmetic skills. Fantastic work coaching each other by explaining the methods step by step. Keep up the hard work everyone!

Funky Friday treats!

Here are some photos of Class 10 enjoying their funky Friday treats for the past two weeks for making the right choices all week and following the Green Top code!

Well done my little treasures! You all deserve it! ✨

Inferring from a text

I can’t keep Class 10 away from our book this term! They are really enjoying it. Today, we were focusing on inferring from the text. The children worked in groups to discuss their answers. They all had lots of ideas and it was fabulous to see them all justifying their answers and using evidence from the text to support their theories. Well done Class 10!

Fantastic fractions


Class 5 have worked so hard finding halves and quarters this week. We’ve had lots of collaborative work and great challenges. We could not be more proud of you all. Keep it up class 5!


Miss Hilton and Miss O’Neill