Nursery can take care of their teeth!

Linked to our PSED learning and our expedition ‘How do we show show we care?’ The children have been exploring tooth paste, teeth and tooth brushes. We have sung a tooth brushing song (see the link below to practise at home) and talked about what we can do to look after our teeth such as visiting the dentist, brushing twice a day, drinking milk and water and eating low sugar foods.

Well done Nursery Crew! I am confident you all know how to look after your own teeth.

Mrs Hay x

Nursery PSED & Feelings

As part of our personal, social and emotional development learning, the Nursery children have been talking about their feelings and associating them with our Zones of Regulation colours. The children used their name cards and placed them on the colour and emotion they felt.

Our name basket and zones of regulation cards will be out each morning when you arrive in Nursery. Please encourage your child to find their name card and place it in a zone.

We are really proud of the children and how well they can talk about their feelings already.

Mrs Hay x

A very happy Monday in Nursery

Wow! What a day! The children have worked so hard today making themselves as a playdough person, enjoying small world play with the dinosaurs, collaging teeth for our ‘keeping our teeth health’ display, role playing scientists with pipettes and syringes investigating colour mixing, role playing post offices and writing letters and creating ‘sticky pictures’. The list goes on! I can’t wait for tomorrow!

Mrs Hay x

Nursery – Introducing Biscoff Bear

Say hello to Biscoff Bear! Biscoff will be sent home with a child on a Monday and a Friday of each week from Nursery to spend some time with your child and go on adventures. Please complete a page or two of the diary to stick photographs and write about Biscoff’s time at your house. We will then share the diary with the class when he is brought back to Nursery.

If Biscoff is sent home on a Monday, please return him by Friday that week. If he is sent home on a Friday, please return him on a Monday.

We hope you enjoy your time with Biscoff when he comes to visit.

Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton x

Nursery Week 2

We have had a lovely week with our new children in Nursery exploring our new surroundings, settling into new routines and making new friends.

We hope all of our families have a beautiful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

The Nursery Team x

The Everywhere Bear

This week we have been reading The Everywhere Bear. We made our very own Everywhere Bear in our Expedition sessions. We added the stuffing to the bear and we each gave his heart a cuddle or a kiss so that there is a little piece of all of our Crew in the bear.

We each chose a name and then we decided by doing a Crew vote. The winning name was Nibbles. Every Friday Nibbles will go home with one of our children to have a weekend adventure.

His first trip is tomorrow . . . I wonder where he will go?

We can’t wait to share in his travels.

Mrs Wallace

Another beautiful day in Nursery!

The children have had a creative day looking carefully at their faces and painting self portraits. We have read the story ‘Kindness in my superpower’ to kick start our expedition learning ‘How do we show we care?’ The children have also enjoyed mark making to represent their name.

Well done for another super day Nursery Crew – I can’t wait for tomorrow already!

Mrs Hay x

Welcome to Nursery!

We are excited to welcome all of our new parents and children to Nursery. We will keep parents up to date with things that are happening in school through our class blogs. Today we wanted to share a few expectations that help to keep things running smoothly.

  • Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child’s name. If it is not labelled staff will label it. This ensures we have minimal – no lost property in school
  • Please ensure children bring a bag to school each day to keep their belongings safe. Children are asked to keep many things safe in their backpack and it also helps children to carry all of their belongings at the end of the day (water bottles, jumpers, cardigans, art work, letters etc)
  • All children should bring a name labelled water bottle filled with water only every day
  • Please remember we have a no toys rule in school – please keep all toys/teddy bears etc at home
  • All children will need a change of clothes in their backpack in case of any accidents or getting wet or dirty during play
  • Please bring a pair of name labelled wellies to keep in school so that your child can access outdoor play in all weathers

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of the Nursery team in person or contact us via email.

We are looking forward to a wonderful year in Nursery with your child creating precious memories.

Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton x