Activity of the week…

Hello Nursery,

This week, the grown ups in Nursery want to know if you can you write your name.

If you can easily write your first name, can you write your last name too? 

Write it 3 times in different ways. 

For example:

  • pens
  • pencils
  • crayons
  • playdough 
  • in glitter

We can’t wait to see your writing!

Mrs Hay 🙂

Activity of the week…

This week we would like you to think about what numbers are special to you.

For example:

  • your age
  • your house number
  • your birthday

Or any others you can think of!

Can you write these numbers?
Can you read these numbers?
Can you show numbers using objects? 

Please send photos to Miss Carter or tell us about your home learning when you come into nursery so we can celebrate your learning in school.

Have fun!

Mrs Hay 🙂